Saturday, 25 October 2014


1. Everything is always impossible before it works. That is what entrepreneurs are all about—doing what people have told them is impossible.

Hunt Greene, U.S. venture capitalist.

2. A man is known by the company he organizes.

Ambrose Bierce (1842 - 1914?), U.S. writer and journalist.

3.An entrepreneur, if there is such a thing, is a born schemer and thinker up of things.

Alan Sugar  (1947 - ), British entrepreneur.

 4. Central planning didn't work for Stalin or Mao, and it won't work for an entrepreneur either.

Michael Bloomberg (1942 - ), U.S. business executive.

5.Entrepreneurs should be able to spend 80 percent of their time getting customers.

Ken Iverson (1925 - ), U.S. industrialist.

 6. Entrepreneurship will become a core skill which all our young people will need to exploit the opportunities emerging from science and technology, culture and communications.

Tony Blair (1953 - ), British prime minister.

Lecture to the Fabian Society, London

7. I believe Mrs Thatcher's emphasis on enterprise was right.

Tony Blair (1953 - ), British prime minister.Referring to Margaret Thatcher.

 8. I guess you don't understand what buying this company seems like to an American. It's like coming over here and buying the throne.

Alfred Taubman (1925 - ), U.S. business executive and art collector.Referring to buying the British auction house Sotheby's.

9. I reckon one entrepreneur can recognise another at 300 yards on a misty day.

Sir Peter Parker (1924 - ), British business executive.

10. I think every black entrepreneur has to have a whole lot of social worker in him.

Dempsey J. Travis (1920 - ), U.S. business executive and banker.

11. Innovation, everyday entrepreneurship, and creativity are the aims of collaboration.

Peter Keen, U.S. business executive.

12. Pushing a new enterprise past all the barriers to success takes learnable skills...but it also takes a tenacious inner passion bordering on monomania. This combination is what I call leadership.

Kye Anderson,U.S. business executive.

13. Risk-taking is an integral and intrinsic part of success or living a full life.

Malcolm S. Forbes (1919 - 1990), U.S. publisher.

14. The entrepreneur is like an eagle...he soars alone, he flies alone, and he hunts alone.

Michael Smurfit (1936 - ), Irish business executive.

15. There’s a new brand of person coming up—the likely lad. You see it in the City and everywhere. It's no longer Mr. Heathcote-Smythe's son who is getting the job.

Alan Sugar (1947 - ), British entrepreneur.

 16.Unreasonable conviction based on inadequate evidence.

Tom Peters (1942 - ), U.S. management consultant and author.Defining entrepreneurship.




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