Multitasking and the Stay at Home Mom
And the Work-at-Home Mom
don't always understand that moms need to multi-task in order to get things
Some dads are firm believers in the do one task until it is complete approach to everything. Some dads, and men, readily admit that they are simply not capable of multi-tasking.
The Single Task Approach
There are certainly benefits to a one-task approach, for those who need to focus on one task at a time. By focusing solely on the project at hand, whether it is building a bookshelf, fixing the garbage disposal, or organizing and filing paperwork, the task is sure to be completed in a timelymanner.
For those who are one-task focused, they do not always see the necessity of multi-tasking, and they are blind to its benefits.
Some tasks lend themselves to that kind of single-minded focus, others do not. For a stay-at-home or a work-at-home mom multitasking is a required job requirement. We do not have the luxury of focusing a whole two hours tojust making a gourmet meal. Nor do we have the luxury of working on a two-hour project without little hands trying desperately to "help" us.
Why Moms Need to Multi-Task
Stay-at-homes moms know that without multi-tasking absolutely nothing would get done. For a stay-at-home, the morning hours can be a blur of seemingly chaoticactivity . The stay-at-home will not just engage in one simple activity at a time. She may be taking care of a toddler, which involves making breakfast , cleaning up after breakfast, changing diapers, maybe even planning what the toddler will have for lunch and entertaining the toddler.
While the stay-at-home is busy with the task of caring for the needs of the toddler, she is also doing a load of laundry, sweeping the floor, planning, or maybe even making dinner, and taking out the trash.
Add to that the tasks of the work-at-home mom, who is checking email, checking finances online, and trying to squeeze in work in between all of the other tasks.
Some of these tasks also need to be sandwiched around nap time. Others need to be timed to accommodate any carpool, or fun activities planned for the children. Errands needs to be done so they do not interfere with nap time or activity time.
Some dads are firm believers in the do one task until it is complete approach to everything. Some dads, and men, readily admit that they are simply not capable of multi-tasking.
The Single Task Approach
There are certainly benefits to a one-task approach, for those who need to focus on one task at a time. By focusing solely on the project at hand, whether it is building a bookshelf, fixing the garbage disposal, or organizing and filing paperwork, the task is sure to be completed in a timelymanner.
For those who are one-task focused, they do not always see the necessity of multi-tasking, and they are blind to its benefits.
Some tasks lend themselves to that kind of single-minded focus, others do not. For a stay-at-home or a work-at-home mom multitasking is a required job requirement. We do not have the luxury of focusing a whole two hours tojust making a gourmet meal. Nor do we have the luxury of working on a two-hour project without little hands trying desperately to "help" us.
Why Moms Need to Multi-Task
Stay-at-homes moms know that without multi-tasking absolutely nothing would get done. For a stay-at-home, the morning hours can be a blur of seemingly chaoticactivity . The stay-at-home will not just engage in one simple activity at a time. She may be taking care of a toddler, which involves making breakfast , cleaning up after breakfast, changing diapers, maybe even planning what the toddler will have for lunch and entertaining the toddler.
While the stay-at-home is busy with the task of caring for the needs of the toddler, she is also doing a load of laundry, sweeping the floor, planning, or maybe even making dinner, and taking out the trash.
Add to that the tasks of the work-at-home mom, who is checking email, checking finances online, and trying to squeeze in work in between all of the other tasks.
Some of these tasks also need to be sandwiched around nap time. Others need to be timed to accommodate any carpool, or fun activities planned for the children. Errands needs to be done so they do not interfere with nap time or activity time.
of the multitude of activities that the stay-at-home or work-at-home mom has to
do every single day, her mind is constantly focused on the currenttasks, plus
organizing and grouping the next set of tasks.
If the stay-at-home took the one-task approach, and just did laundry, and waited until that laundry was done to start cleaning or planning the rest of the days, meals, the other tasks may never get done.
The mulit-tasker has a tolerance for, and even an appreciation of the busy chaos that comes with multi-tasking. Multiple tasks will be in a state of flux, each at a different percentage of completion. What the single-tasker does not always understand, is that the multi-tasker will complete the tasks. They will get done.
If the stay-at-home took the one-task approach, and just did laundry, and waited until that laundry was done to start cleaning or planning the rest of the days, meals, the other tasks may never get done.
The mulit-tasker has a tolerance for, and even an appreciation of the busy chaos that comes with multi-tasking. Multiple tasks will be in a state of flux, each at a different percentage of completion. What the single-tasker does not always understand, is that the multi-tasker will complete the tasks. They will get done.
Mommies Need
Jobs Too!
a mother is the most rewarding job that a woman could ask for. Unfortunately,
it doesn't pay the bills. When America 's
Moms decide to go back to work after raising babies for a few years, it seems
that their options are not very appealing. Moms have to settle for a smaller
paycheck, overtime, or working a schedule that would totally prevent them from
having any time with their husbands and children. But, at some point in time,
Moms go back to work. According to CBS
News, there is a 15% increase in stay at home moms. But what happens when their
babies go to school, grow up, or Mommy needs to start making money again? If
they choose to pursue a career, it will be difficult. As Erin Brockovich said,
"when you've spent the last 6 years raising babies, nobody wants to hire
But why? Mothers are workhorses. They cook, clean, balance checkbooks, cut hair, shop, drive their kids everywhere, plan parties, bake cakes and cookies, join the PTA, coach cheer-leading, administer medications to their poor babies, and nurse them back to health. They walk the dog, feed the cat, and groom them both. Moms help with homework and school projects, organize everyone's lives, and deal with in-laws that want to raise her kids "the right way". They come up with emergency evacuation procedures in the event of a fire in the house, learn about the germs that are bad and the ones that we have to let our babies be exposed to. They watch Disney channel, and like it. They listen to all of the problems that their children face, from a dirty diaper to a broken heart, and always make it feel better. Moms do all of this, and more, sometimes all at once, without losing their sanity or cool. Multitasking is second nature and everyone knows that Mom can handle it all, no problem. They always get through it and make it look easy.
So, why are they never hired for that desirable, high paying position?
But why? Mothers are workhorses. They cook, clean, balance checkbooks, cut hair, shop, drive their kids everywhere, plan parties, bake cakes and cookies, join the PTA, coach cheer-leading, administer medications to their poor babies, and nurse them back to health. They walk the dog, feed the cat, and groom them both. Moms help with homework and school projects, organize everyone's lives, and deal with in-laws that want to raise her kids "the right way". They come up with emergency evacuation procedures in the event of a fire in the house, learn about the germs that are bad and the ones that we have to let our babies be exposed to. They watch Disney channel, and like it. They listen to all of the problems that their children face, from a dirty diaper to a broken heart, and always make it feel better. Moms do all of this, and more, sometimes all at once, without losing their sanity or cool. Multitasking is second nature and everyone knows that Mom can handle it all, no problem. They always get through it and make it look easy.
So, why are they never hired for that desirable, high paying position?
by the list above, every mom is qualified to be a cook, baker, bookkeeper, cab
driver, party planner, hairdresser, personal shopper, doctor, pharmacist,
nurse, janitor, teacher, therapist, dog groomer or breeder, veterinarian, firefighter, FEMA director,
actress, biologist, and coordinator of anything that ever needs to be
So, all the CEO's and Human Resources managers out there that are reading this, HIRE A MOM!!! She is more qualified and smarter than you give her credit for! Her success in the last few years may "only" be some happy healthy kids.....but in my humble opinion, there is nothing harder to do than raise happy and healthy children! Answering your telephone, bringing you coffee, balancing your checkbook, or making your company look good is going to be a breeze for her. Just give her the chance to show you!
So, all the CEO's and Human Resources managers out there that are reading this, HIRE A MOM!!! She is more qualified and smarter than you give her credit for! Her success in the last few years may "only" be some happy healthy kids.....but in my humble opinion, there is nothing harder to do than raise happy and healthy children! Answering your telephone, bringing you coffee, balancing your checkbook, or making your company look good is going to be a breeze for her. Just give her the chance to show you!
I also am a work at home mom, and have my own work at home blog. cheers! :)